La sabiduría de Henry Hazlitt
Autor(es): Henry Hazlitt
Idioma: Español
Precio $22.00
Autor(es): Henry Hazlitt
Idioma: Español
Precio $22.00
Autor(es): Henry Hazlitt
Idioma: Español
En este texto Henry Hazlitt presenta una base ética y filosófica sólida para el desarrollo de una sociedad de personas libres y responsables.
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Autor(es): Martín Krause
Idioma: Español
La economía suele presentársenos como una disciplina intrincada, llena de conceptos de difícil comprensión. Leemos, escuchamos y utilizamos a diario términos como ventajas comparativas, monopolio, competencia, deuda pública y privada, inflación, deflación... Pero no siempre conocemos su significado. Y cuando intentamos entender, nos encontramos con explicaciones confusas o aventuradas. Martín Krause, doctor en Administración, experimentó esa situación mientras buscaba entre sus libros ideas para explicar a un grupo de niños qué es la economía. Finalmente, encontró muchos ejemplos, historias entretenidas y seductoras que incluyen complicados conceptos de la teoría económica abordados con asombrosa sencillez. Pero no se trata de libros técnicos o científicos, sino de grandes obras de la literatura de todos los tiempos: Robinson Crusoe, Alicia en el País de las Maravillas, El principito, Don Quijote de la Mancha, David Copperfield, Príncipe y mendigo y El señor de los anillos, entre otros. Junto a ellos, el autor nos invita a aprender, como en un juego, los conceptos básicos de una disciplina que afecta decisivamente nuestras vidas.
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Autor(es): Ana Livingston Paddock
Idioma: Edición bilingüe (español e inglés)
Este libro contine la historia de Mildred Covill Palmer, nacida en 1896 en Iowa, Estados Unidos. A partir de octubre de 1929 se estableció en Guatemala, su país adoptivo, en donde se dedicó a la promoción del turismo desde la restauración de casas, entre ellas la Casa de las Campanas y la Casa Popenoe en la Antigua Guatemala siendo este su mayor aporte.
Precio $54.00
Autor(es): Connor Boyack
Idioma: English
We all have them. And we know everyone else does, too. But we avoid thinking about them, even though they affect our thinking deeply. What are they? They are cognitive biases, and they lead our mind to do things that might not be in our best interest. We are all prone to being affected by them, yet hardly anyone takes the time to learn about them—and how to make sure they don’t have as great an impact on us.
Precio $20.00
Autor(es): Connor Boyack
Idioma: English
In a society where countless ideas are being shared, debated, and analyzed, it’s more important than ever to sift out the good ones from among the bad ones. And when people you respect and trust use arguments that sound persuasive, how can you determine if they are correct? One of the most commonly used methods of spreading misinformation is the use of a logical fallacy.
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Autor(es): Connor Boyack
Idioma: English
Dennis Forde, Secretary of State, has died, and the Tuttle Twins are headed for the funeral. Little do they know the opportunities—for good and bad—that will come from this event. Aunt Cathy—Mom’s sister—worked for Forde and has a big decision to make. Will she try to replace him? A millionaire businessman wants to run for Senate. And both of them want to tap into that Tuttle Twins power. Will they succeed? It’s your call.
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Autor(es): Connor Boyack
Idioma: English
It’s a perfect day for a game of baseball, and the Tuttle twins are determined to finally beat the rival team from the neighborhood. The game-winning home run from Emily gets them what they want… along with a whole lot of trouble they could never have expected. Can they figure out how to make things right with the owners of the broken window? What if they get help from you?
Precio $20.00
Autor(es): Connor Boyack
Idioma: English
The Tuttle twins are off to visit Grandma’s quaint, pink house on the banks of the Monongahela river to celebrate Independence Day. There are parades and rope swings, and all the things that make a vacation grand. But it’s not all fun and games. When a greedy corporation schemes to take over Grandma’s land and push her house into the river, can the twins stop it and come to her rescue? Can you help them?
Precio $20.00
Autor(es): Connor Boyack
Idioma: English
Enter Murray Rothbard, author of Anatomy of the State, whose book teaches the Tuttle Twins that the fate of the future—and all of humanity—depends on thinking of ways we can work together peacefully, to build a better society without relying on coercion.
Precio $16.00