The Search For Atlas

Autor(es): Connor Boyack
Idioma: English

Ethan and Emily Tuttle tackle these questions in their latest adventure, this time as clowns in the visiting circus. Incorporating ideas from Ayn Rand’s hit novel Atlas Shrugged, this book shows how things begin falling apart when socialism creeps in. Join the clown twins as they try to figure out where Atlas went—and more importantly, why he left.

Precio $16.00

Their Spectacular Show Business

Autor(es): Connor Boyack
Idioma: English

But as Ethan and Emily Tuttle learn in their latest adventure, being an entrepreneur isn’t easy—especially when you’re up against some tough competition. Join the twins as they dive into the ins and outs of becoming business owners, solving the many problems that pop up along the way!

Precio $16.00

The Leviathan Crisis

Autor(es): Connor Boyack
Idioma: English

Based on the book Crisis and Leviathan by Robert Higgs, this story finds the twins learning the power of truth in a world filled with fearmongering, ignorance, Trojan horses, and demagogues—a message with substantial relevance to our lives today.

Precio $16.00

The Education Vacation

Autor(es): Connor Boyack
Idioma: English

Long-time educator John Taylor Gatto shares ideas with the Tuttle family from his book The Underground History of American Education. As they soon learn, education works best when we have the freedom to discover our interests and develop our abilities, rather than being shaped into what somebody else wants.

Precio $16.00

The Messed Up Market

Autor(es): Connor Boyack
Idioma: English

Now that they’ve made some money, Ethan and Emily Tuttle begin to wonder how they can put it to good use and earn even more. So the idea of a Children’s Entrepreneur Market is born, which can help them find other kids who might want to borrow their money to build their small business. But as the twins soon learn—thanks to the ideas from Human Action by Ludwig von Mises—this is risky business

Precio $16.00

Guatemala, A Silenced History (1963-1989) vol. II

Autor(es): Carlos Sabino
Idioma: English

Guatemala, A Silenced History, is a thorough work, product of a lengthy investigation. However, it is not intended as a text for scholars, but as a clear, accessible account for passionate readers, that will benefit all those interested in Guatemalan and Latin American history.

Precio $27.00

Free Market Revolution

Autor(es): Yaron Brook and Don Watkins
Idioma: English

A look at how our current crises are caused by too much government, and how Ayn Rand's bold defense of free markets can help us change course. In Free Market Revolution, the keepers of Ayn Rand's legacy argue that the answer lies in her pioneering philosophy of capitalism and self-interest -a philosophy that more and more people are turning to for answers.

Precio $27.00