Attacks on Freedom of Speech in Today´s World

UFM’s 2017 Inaugural Lesson focuses on freedom of expression, which today is increasingly under attack. Flemming Rose was the foreign affairs editor and culture editor at the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten. He was principally responsible for the 2005 publication of controversial cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad. Since then he has been an advocate of free speech, warning against the dangers of artists self-censoring their work due to fears of violent reprisals.
In this address, Rose looks at the state of freedom of expression around the world and examines the biggest threats it faces today, including efforts to criminalize hate speech and fake news.
Rose also discusses tolerance and concludes that the debate surrounding freedom of speech and its limitations comes down to our ability to manage diversity and disagreement.


Propiedad y desarrollo sustentable

¿Qué entorno legal es indispensable para lograr un desarrollo
¿Cuál es la relación entre la propiedad y la preservación de los
recursos naturales?
¿En qué consiste el principio ecológico The Tragedy of the Commons,
ignorado por muchos conservacionistas?
¿El crecimiento económico está determinado por factores geográficos
y climáticos?
¿Cuáles son los efectos del aumento de la población y de la migración
en el desarrollo sustentable?
¿Es verdad que los huracanes, los temblores y las guerras reactivan
la economía?
El equilibrio fiscal ¿reduce el crecimiento?
El déficit presupuestal ¿incentiva el desarrollo?
¿Por qué en los países subdesarrollados el aumento del grado de
escolaridad no se ha traducido en crecimiento económico?
¿Es la ausencia de propiedad documentada la causa de la economía
informal y del bajo crecimiento en los países pobres?
¿La competitividad es un requisito para el crecimiento?
Luis Pazos analiza y responde a todas estas interrogantes con
razonamientos lógicos y documentados, en esta edición actualizada de
Propiedad y desarrollo sustentable.

Una tradición

Lección Inaugural pronunciada en la Universidad Francisco Marroquín el 12 de enero del 2004, por el Dr. Fritz Thomas, decano de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad Francisco Marroquín desde el 2006, cargo que ocupó anteriormente, de 1988 a 1996. Es amplia su trayectoria profesional como consultor en economía y finanzas. Fue Gerente General de la Bolsa de Valores Nacional y Director Ejecutivo de Westrust Bank International. También fue cofundador del Centro de Investigaciones Económicas Nacionales (CIEN) y ha publicado numerosos trabajos de investigación y ensayo. Tiene un PhD en Economía de la Universidad Francisco Marroquín y más de veinte años de experiencia como catedrático en temas de economía.


The Story of New Zealand’s Remarkable Reforms

Ruth Richardson
Is former minister of finance of New Zealand. She pioneered the world’s first code of fiscal responsibility and was the architect of free-market reforms and spending cuts in the 1990s.

During the inaugural lesson, Ruth Richardson expounds the importance of liberty and individual choice and how they drive growth and innovation. In an early age, she decided and prepared to be an agent of change in her own country. As a reformer, she used New Zealand’s success story as an example of political transformation. These political changes bring about the vast production of goods and services. She also emphasizes that the current disruptive technologies are a powerful tool for democratization. She concludes that economic liberalization is primordial and overall possible when establishing a good and responsible government.

El Proceso Económico

Este libro es un resumen introductorio para dar oportunidad a las personas interesadas, sean empresarios, trabajadores o estudiantes, de familiarizarse con los principios fundamentales de la Ciencia Económica en forma sencilla y amena. Está basado en el programa de clases impartidas durante quince años a estudiantes universitarios de primer ingreso para dar una visión global aunque resumida de lo que contiene esa ciencia, de la que todo el mundo habla pero pocos conocen.

The Contract City

A Revolutionary Approach to Local Government
In 2005 retired executive Oliver Porter created a functional city government for Sandy Springs, Georgia, in less than a year. He had no budget, no formal authority, and to join him. Facing overwhelming odds, Porter pioneered a model in which city services are comprehensively contracted out to private firms.

Sandy Springs became one of the most successful cities of its size in the United States, with award-winning city services and public works but no debt or long-term liabilities.

In this book, Porter shows you how your local government can join the growing number of contract cities to get out of debt, adopt new technologies, and take control of your community’s future.


Georgia´s Rose Revolution: How One Country Beat the Odds, Transformed Its Economy, and Provided a Model for Reformers Everywhere

In 1992 after seventy years of Soviet rule, the small South Caucasus nation of Georgia began a slow and chaotic march to economic freedom. The most important market-liberal reforms began in 2003, after the Rose Revolution. Under the leadership of a committed minister of reform, Kakha Bendukidze, Georgia massively cut its bureaucracy, privatized everything from government-owned hospitals and hotels to electric power plants, lowered both the number of taxes and the tax rate, and liberalized labor laws. The significance of these reforms was soon noticed. The World Bank´s Doing Business report rated the country ninth in the world in ease of doing business, ahead of many far richer countries. According to the report, no country in the last fifty years had carried out such significant economic reforms so quickly and in so many areas. Echoing this view, the United States Agency for International Development remarked that Georgia had made “the broadest, deepest, fastest business climate reforms of any country” over the last half century.
Today, Georgia stands as a leading example of how a country can transform itself and obtain a market economy. This case study tells the story of how it happened, with lessons for reformers around the world.


Privatization of Telecommunications in Guatemala: A Tale Worth Telling

Why Study the Guatemalan Telecom Reform?
In 1996, Guatemala adopted one of the most pro-competitive, market-liberal telecom laws in the world, granting property rights to spectrum and opening the market fully to competition. Critics said that such a radical approach to reform would cause “chaos” in the market. It didn’t happen. Rather, competition surged, prices plunged, and consumers benefited. This case study tells the story of how this reform came about in the face of serious doubt and significant opposition.

About the Antigua Forum
The Antigua Forum is a project at Universidad Francisco Marroquín designed to promote market-liberal reform in order to improve human well-being. The project has two core components. The first is an annual gathering of reformers, intellectuals, and entrepreneurs with projects that disrupt existing inefficient models and institutions. The second is a set of complementary resources, including case studies.

Carlos Sabino is professor of sociology and history at Universidad Francisco Marroquín (UFM). He has spent decades researching economic and political issues in Latin America. Among Carlos’s acclaimed books are The Failure of Interventionism; Building Consensus for a Free Venezuela; and a two-part study of Guatemala’s civil war, Guatemala: The Silenced History.

Wayne Leighton is professor of economics at Universidad Francisco Marroquín and executive director of the Antigua Forum. He previously spent ten years in senior advisory positions at the U.S. Federal Communications Commission and the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. Wayne is co-author, with Edward J. López, of Madmen, Intellectuals, and Academic Scribblers: The Economic Engine of Political Change.


Jorge Luis Borges: Literatura, filosofía política y libertad

Lección Inaugural dictada en el campus de la Universidad Francisco Marroquín por Martín Krause, Enero de 2011.

New Zealand’s Far-Reaching Reforms: A Case Study on How to Save Democracy from Itself

Pathbreaking, market-liberal fiscal reforms in New Zealand
A little over two decades ago, New Zealand’s economy was in shambles. Inflation ran rampant, economic growth fell flat, and soaring public debt set new records. Today, New Zealand outscores almost every other country in the world, including the United States, in terms of overall prosperity, personal freedom, and good governance.

How did they do it? Under the leadership of two politicians from opposing parties, Sir Roger Douglas and Ruth Richardson, economic reality was embraced and tough political decisions were made. This case study tells their story.

The experience in New Zealand offers lessons for democracies everywhere that face fiscal, monetary policy, and ultimately political crises.